Rockin’ and a rhyming

Although the boys and I do try and get out and about a bit these days, there are still some events which rate as super special. Rhymes Kids Music Festival was one such event.

With a bright and early start, my sister and I took our little ones off to the Melbourne Showgrounds for what promised to be a memorable, tiring, and rockin’ day. It did not disappoint, it was all these things and more.

We’d decided to do the morning shift, while the kids were fresh, happy and compliant. This turned out to be a great idea as it meant that we had the chance to have a good look around before the crowds arrived. After we’d labelled our kids (great peace of mind when your kid is just one little person in a sea of two-foot tall humans), Oscar and his cousin started off their adventure with a quick trip around the Nissan X-Trail driving track. I must say I was impressed with Oscar’s observation of the road rules (right light stop, green light go) and I thought him most deserving of the my-first-driver’s-license that the lovely Nissan people gave him – so cute!

Then for coffee, a bubble-blowing gun each for the kids and a bundle of free Huggies Nappy-Pants (gotta love a freebie!)

Once these important errands were taken care of, it was time to find a prime position in front of the stage, ready for Angelina Ballerina. We found a spot, a little bit further back, but with a bit of room to move. I was so pleased to find that everyone was really friendly and respectful…I was a little bit worried as these types of kid’s-gigs can get a little chaotic at times. Everyone happily put prams out of the way and set up picnic rugs. Grown-ups happily sat, keeping out of the way of the numerous, delighted toddlers who where jumping out of their skins with excitement.

Angelina Ballerina was an absolute hit, both Oscar and his cousin had the most fabulous time jumping, twirling, pirouetting and being as graceful as a three year old can be (which is not very graceful as it happens, but is super-cute). A great way to start the day, the kids were well and truly in the zone, and loving it.

Next up was Spikey and Friends, an Australian K-indie Rock band straight from Byron Bay. Spikey the Echidna was a real hit, larger than life and very, well, very spikey. The band was fun, and kids and parents alike seemed to appreciate their uniquely Australian songs.

There was a short break after Spikey, during which I notice that the crowd started to grow. The kids started to jitter and jump. It was time for Yo Gabba Gabba!  I wasn’t sure what to expect – I’m sure I’m not alone is saying that I find Yo Gabba Gabba a little perplexing. Nonetheless, they are definetly very entertaining even if they’ve been designed to appeal to children who are far edgier than I was as a child – Oscar is most certainly very keen on them. He couldn’t have looked funkier, dancing away, and the Yo Gabba Gabba team certainly didn’t hold back on laying down some hard-core kiddy beats. They shared their favourites, and Oscar spun and clapped and sang along at the top of his voice. The crowd was jumping, much as you would expect at a music festival, and it really was a wonderfully memorable moment.

After a 30 minute set, the Gabba gang waved Goodbye, Goodbye and the kids had a moment to catch their breath. At this stage, we went for a little wander. We had fun listening to Electric Lunchbox and Peter Combe, but we did it whilst on the move.

We came across some more freebies, this time from Burt’s Bees – free moisturisers, baby oil, nappy-rash cream and lip balm (I’m hooked!) all lovely and natural, and then stopped for a bite to eat. By this stage, Lazy Town had started and this required a quick trip back to the stage, the kids had a bit of a dance and then returned to their hot chips. I found myself wondering if I would ever be able to convince Oscar to eat ‘sports candy’ without the actual Sportacus visiting our house…his choice of lunch (chips and musk sticks) certainly didn’t really bode well. Sadly, I’m pretty sure the Lazy Town crew are a bit busy for house-calls.

After lunch we checked out the exhibitors, and listened to a bit more music. We were extremely pleased that the event was indoors, as the weather outside was very chilly and wet. The Showgrounds was a perfect venue really, big enough but not too big, a great location and warm!

I’ve got to say that over-all, the event was spot-on. It was extremely well organised, the kid’s activities were great, the acts offered something for everyone, and the set-up was really comfortable. There was enough room for everyone and this meant that we could all move around safely and comfortably, something that is so important when you’re wrangling two and three year olds. At the same time, there was enough of a crowd, enough little kids having an absolute ball, that there was an unforgettable buzz in the air.

I really think that Oscar will remember this day as a special one, and hopefully it’ll establish a real taste for all things musical. I’m pretty sure we’ll go again next year, and I’ll hopefully rally a few extra friends and family to come along with me.


If you want to find out more about Rhymes Festival, and keep an eye out for next year’s festival, you can visit their website here or Like their Facebook page here.

If you live in Brisbane, you’ve still got the chance to get along to a Rhymes Festival…coming to you, 22 January 2012.

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4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Karen
    Nov 02, 2011 @ 00:14:49

    Perfect description!! Maddy has not stopped talking about the day she saw “Angelina”, “Gabba Gabba Gabba” and “Sporticus”. And not to mention that she “Had fun playing with Ocsar”..She will definitely remember this day for quite some time.


  2. Sarah Allen
    Nov 02, 2011 @ 00:42:41

    I’ve been to Yo Gabba Gabba with my Captain Morgan at the Opera House in July this year, and he’s never sat so quietly on my lap, ever! It was like a kids nightclub (albeit at 9am on a Sunday morning) and I loved every minute!

    Thanks for the introduction to the Rhymes Festival – we’ll be going in Sydney next year, for sure 🙂


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